Terms of use & legal notice

Corporate name: CCR RE
French Limited Liability Company (SA) with capital of: € 109 600 900
RCS no.: 817 446 511 Paris
Headquarters: 6 rue Favart 75002 Paris
Legal Representative: Mr. Bertrand Labilloy, Chief Executive Officer
Publication Officer: Mr. Bertrand Labilloy, Chief Executive Officer
Hosting: NYSIS
Design, development and implementation: CCR RE

Access to the site is free of charge. The cost of access and use of the telecommunications network is the responsibility of the visitor in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed with his or her access provider and telecommunications operator.

Ownership of the Extranet / Protection
The presentation of this site and all contents relating to CCR RE (in particular the texts, maps, publications, images, photographs as well as all graphic or cartographic items) are the exclusive property of CCR RE or of the third parties that have express written consent to use them. The aforesaid items are protected by the provisions of the French Code of Intellectual Property and international copyright treaties.
Any reproduction, representation, use, availability or complete or partial modification of the contents of this site using any form of media, by any process whatsoever, is prohibited, without the express written consent of CCR RE, which must be requested by post from the Publication Officer. Non-compliance with this restriction can engage the civil and criminal liability of the offender.
As an exception, the reproduction of items contained in this site is authorized for strictly personal and private use. Furthermore, it is strictly prohibited to use or reproduce the name CCR RE, its logo or the brand name CCR RE for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of CCR RE which must be requested by post from the Publication Officer.

Site content
The information relating to CCR RE contained in this site is provided for general information purposes and has no contractual value whatsoever. This information may be modified, corrected, updated or deleted by CCR RE in part or in its entirety at any time and without prior notice.

CCR RE shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage associated with the site, regardless of the cause or nature, suffered in particular as a result of:

  • any possible imprecision or inaccuracy of the information;
  • the use of this information by the visitor or by any third party, which is of their sole responsibility;
  • the access, any difficulties or the impossibility of access to the site.

Data protection and freedom of information
CCR RE processes personal data for legitimate purposes. The visitors’ personal data are collected directly by CCR RE or are communicated to CCR RE by the entities with which it has developed relations in the context of its business operations.
The data gathered at the time of processing are intended for use by CCR RE’s relevant departments and, if need be, its subcontractors and other service providers. They are stored for the duration necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were intended. A portion of the data may be transferred to the CCR RE branch office in Canada and to its office of representation in Lebanon.
Visitors benefit from:

  • the right of access, right of rectification, right of erasure, right to object, right of limitation and right of portability in respect of all of their personal data which may be exercised by sending a written request, accompanied by a copy of proof of identity, by post to the CCR RE Data Protection Delegate (6 rue Favart 75002 Paris) or by using the e-mail address droit.dacces@ccr-re.fr;
  • and where appropriate, the right to file a formal complaint with the CNIL, if after having exercised their rights vis-a-vis CCR RE, they consider that their rights are not being respected.

Hypertext links
Any hypertext link towards the site must have obtained the prior written consent of CCR RE by post from the Publication Officer. CCR RE shall not be held liable in cases involving a hypertext link towards its site, even in instances when prior written consent has been provided for such link.
Where applicable, all hypertext links towards external sites included in the Extranet are provided for information purposes without incurring any liability on the part of CCR RE.

If you should have any questions related to this site or its conditions for use, you you can use our contact form.

Applicable law – Assignment of jurisdiction
This site is subject to French law, regardless of its place of use.
In the absence of an amicable solution, any dispute or disagreement with respect to this site will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts.

Acceptance of conditions for use
The visitor to this Extranet site hereby recognizes that he or she is informed of this legal notice from the moment of connection and accepts all terms and conditions without reserve.
The visitor agrees to refrain from conducting any operations that could adversely affect the site, the integrity of the information contained in the site or the image of CCR RE.